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Cara jenius dan Afektif Akses Internet Gratis Tanpa Kuota Dan Tanpa Aplikasi 100% Berhasil.

Cara internet graits2023 100% berhasil

Free internet is still the target of many people because of the sophistication of technology in this day and age, it feels like having a cellphone, but if you don't have a quota to access the internet, it feels useless.

And what's the point if you have an expensive cellphone but still access the internet using pulses and quotas which are quite expensive and really drain your wallet.

Until now, there are still many people looking for free internet access, especially those who have only been online once.

The method that will be given is a trick for those of you who need internet access but have run out of credit or quota.

Previously this trick was not intended to teach people to do things that are unlawful, but this is a solution for those of you who need internet access in a very urgent situation, moreover this trick is recommended for those of you who run out in places that are prone to this. the difficulty of getting a quota sales center.

Attention !

This trick is recommended for those of you who are in remote areas where it is difficult to reach credit sales counters

How to??

Follow the steps now

💯% guaranteed success 

Here are the steps you need to take.

1. Make sure your pulse is 0 and your quota is 0

2. Open the settings directory on your Android cellphone card

3. Scroll down and click SIM card and mobile network.

4. Click which number you want to access free internet

5. Click the priority network type

6. Pada tampilan prioritas LTE, prioritas 3G, dan 2G saja.

7. Pilih 2G saja

8. Tekan tombol power pada hp android anda untuk mengunci hp anda. 

9. Tekan tombol power untuk membuka kunci ponsel Anda.

10. Klik beralih lagi ke prioritas LTE.

Setelah itu silahkan buka youtube anda. Jika sudah bisa ditonton berarti sudah dipastikan berhasil.

Jika Anda menonaktifkan data di ponsel Anda, maka aktifkan kembali seperti pada 10 langkah di atas. Buat berulang kali hingga Anda dapat mengaksesnya.

Jika anda sudah bisa menonton youtube dan sudah dipastikan tidak mempunyai kuota maka anda sudah dipastikan berhasil.

Lakukan berulang hingga berhasil yah. Dan di jamin berhasil kok. Jika sudah notifikasi YouTube atau whatsaap berarti silahkan cek pasti sudah bisa akses internet secara gratis.

Make sure to use this trick wisely and if you have read this article and have tried it successfully, don't forget to save this trick for you personally.


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